Hike Announcement M17 Michigan Hollow > Layen Rd Friday 2/7/25 8:30AM

Meet and carpool at the Tractor  Supply Store in Greene at 7:55

Meet at the Marathon Dollar General 8:30AM

Carpool to or meet at Michigan Hollow Rd. 9:45AM

Bring water, snack, hiking boots, poles, microspikes, snowshoes


Should be 7 miles and 700' elevation gain.

Are you sure,

 Hike Announcement Amblerville SF Sunday 2/8/25 8:30AM

Let's snowshoe Amblerville SF (or not) either way meet/carpool behind the Norwich Red Roof Inn 8:30AM Saturday

Park on the DEC Rd off Pat Farley Rd. 8:50AM

Bring water, snack, hiking boots, poles, snowshoes (maybe)

While you see a chance, take it!               https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0j6g_uUhH2c