2025 HIKES

Hike Report Whaupaunaucau Groundhog Snowshoe hike 2/2/2025

It was a little cooler today at about 1° but Guy F, Gwen W & Steve E showed up to stomp the Whaup.
It was groundhog day and overcast so I doubt that a shadow was cast. 
On the other hand the Punxsutawney Phil saw it differently... 
"On Groundhog Day 2025, Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow, predicting six more weeks of winter. However, it's important to note that Phil's predictions are not based on scientific evidence and his accuracy has been around 35% over the past 20 years, according to the National Weather Service."
The hike took us to the fishing access parking lot then across the day an up the West side of Jeffrey Pond.
I had a fleeting apparition to go off trail (bushwhack) to the pond to have a look and found myself in 2' of snow.
Perhaps I was adrift!
Trail #4 leads you around the lake to Post Rd. and we crossed a culvert that goes over the marshy inlet to the pond.

When we were almost back to the Fishing access parking trail #1 heads Easterly and loops back around to the kiosk.
This hike we now call 'The Butterfly' loop and aptly named if you look at the track on the map.



Richie & Rosie from the Ithaca area...

Play local..


Hike Report M25 Cooper School House Rd > Brooksbank Rd.

This cool morning three hikers showed up from the Bullthistle Hiking Club.
Guy F, Gwen W & Steve E.
I don't think it got above 15° but not so bad if you kept moving.

The rain from the day before knocked the snow down a bit so we left our snowshoes in the truck.
However, we did carry microspikes just in case. 
Breaking through the top crust just made it harder than walking through fluffy snow.
It was a toss up in some places whether our snowshoes would have helped or not but there was not enough time to go back and try with them.

A grouse flew by through the woods in front of us. 
Lots of animal tracks and a couple were like large bobcat tracks.

The lean-to was in good shape and a welcome place to sit for a bit in the sun with no wind.
We were so relaxed that we forgot to take the obligatory group photo by the lean-to.
There were two other opportunities though, the group by the bridge and by a neatly stacked tall stone wall. (photos)

The ice on the creek was thick enough to cross safely but still unnerving.

From the low area we climbed and saw lots of turkey tracks, then one of the most interesting places.
An area where a large flock of turkeys had torn up the forest floor foraging. 
Scratched clean around many trunks of trees down to the dirt.  

Coming down the hill toward Brooksbank we spotted the truck, relieved that we could sit and rest our legs.

We hiked 6.8 miles today.




Hike Report M27 Arctic China Sf Shear Rd > Barbour Brook Rd 01/24/25

This morning we met at the DEC parking lot on NY8 and changed our plans to  hike to Dry Brook Rd as only close access is on seasonal roads.

The new plan changed to hiking to Barbour Brook Rd where we had started a hike to Cannonsville Reservoir last year.
So Mike C, Ben H, Gwen W, John N, Guy F & Steve E headed over the hill to Steam Mill Rd and dropped down further to a creek that had a sign for a bridge.
I think 4 of us put on microspikes and I know it helped me on the slippery slopes.

The first hill in the Steam Mill SF seemed to be hardwoods with a lot of young white birch. 
That bridge was a 2x10 board. it was a little downstream from the trail. 
On the return some of us walked across the frozen creek without a breakthrough.
Heading ESE we climbed some more to Barbour Brook Rd and followed that to our previous trailhead and headed back.
This was now Barbour Brook SF and there were a lot of conifers on the way up the hill, some towering maybe 100' high.

There were several foundations along the way and lots of stone walls. Imagine what life was like in those hills!
The first part of the hike was 3.3 miles with an elevation gain of 1067'

When we returned 5 of the hikers decided to piece the road walk section (due to logging) from Arctic China SF to the NY8 parking area.
We spotted a car up on Shear Rd just a little farther than the driveway with a road sign that read 'No Friggin Way'

We walked from the FLT trailhead on Shear Rd. to NY8 and back to the parking lot which totaled 2 miles.



Movin' right along ....


  Hike Report French Rd > Tucker Rd 01/20/2024

On a calm cool morning 2 hikers set foot to complete some FLT roadwalk.
Parking on French Rd was perhaps taking a chance going through the plowed roadside.
The gps started late about .3 miles after we began.

As soon as we turned off of French Rd to Fred Wilcox luck was with us as the owner of a  rottweiler was out getting firewood and commanded her dog to stay.
The sun came out and the temperature did not sting like a strong North wind would do.

Walking along in the cold another dog decided it was time for a little nip. (not Yukon Jack)
We thought it came out to greet us and did by taking a bite at my coat but that was it thankfully.

The microwave tower on Fred Wilcox is a lot different than the newer cell towers of today. 
The original microwave towers were put in place to create a radio-relay skyway. 

Microwave towers were designed to transmit telephone and television signals nationwide.

This tower is likely abandoned as fiber optics took over.

On down the road to Stone Quarry past The McGowan property where the owners let the FLT park on their lawn.
The trail used to go North along their hedgerow but the FLT has since lost access to the next property so this section is a roadwalk.
A roadwalk while the temperatures are low is better than a sunny, muggy 90° day.

There is a little valley with a stream running under the road where it was said that you could catch minnows there for fishing.
Right on Enggaard Rd where there is a vista and the wind to go with it. 

Finally to the DEC Road where the woods are a hallway, a windbreak where you can feel the quiet stillness all around. 

With the sun at our backs it was time for a group 'shadow' photo.

Arrived at the Ludlow kiosk and drove to the carspot where the truck pulled out of the snow without a hitch.

Hike was 4.2 miles


Hazy Shade of Winter ... Simon and Garfunkel     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnZdlhUDEJo

On the level,

Whaupaunaucau Snowshow 01/18/25

This Saturday morning the temperatures were pleasant compared to what is coming.
Jeanne P, Gwen W, Steve E put on our snowshoes for the first time in two years on a Bullthistle hike.

The snow was not too deep so breaking trail was comfortable. 
The sound of the hunting dogs we heard made us believe that they were coming to see us but never appeared.
I had to try out the discarded minivan seat which made me think of the song 'Free Ride' by Edgar Winter

Our route took us to the parking area by Jeffrey Pond then across the dam.
There were some wet areas that we avoided along the West side of Jeffrey. 
The West side allowed us views across the pond that we can't see during the summer because of the leaves on the trees.
Gwen had to try the mountain bike jump on snowshoes which she managed to pull off without injury. (mp4 video)

The West trail led us back to the road and just before we came to the Jeffrey Pond parking area we took the #1 trail to the NE.
The #1 trail was a counterclockwise loop that is in need of multi floral rose pruning. 
The tall pines near the end of the trail are really magnificent and shortly after them we came to the road by the kiosk and parking area where we started. 

The hike was 2.6 miles and looking at the map of out tracks the two loops drew a butterfly.


Snow hopper,


Hike Report M21 Taylor Valley Day Use > Cheningo Solon Pond Rd O&B 011525

Today, Wednesday 1/15/25 we all met at Taylor Valley SF Day Use Area at 8:45
CIndy S, Lucy 🐾, Ben H, Gwen W, Guy F, Steve E.

It was about 17 degrees this morning and never got over 21.
Not too bad in the woods but the wind was biting in the open near the clearcuts.

It was an up and down kind of day and before we left the lean-to we all had our microspikes on. (photo)
This hike was work but we still managed to have fun as you can see in the photos. 
Some kids never grow up. 

The snow was loose and 'sandy' so it was like walking in the sand on the beach only uphill.

The Taylor Valley lean-to was a great place to take a water break and check out the nice woodwork.
Sign, stool, ornament, an engraved folding saw a really nice lean-to. 

Some parts of the trail were so steep that we had to slide down the path (videos)

The snow on the trees hung over the limbs like blankets and there were places where the snow was plastered on the sides of all the trees.

We will never experience anything like this in our living room.

What you can see on the map link:
The hike was 5.4 miles with an elevation gain of 1125' and a descent of 1137'



We can't stop winter so just jump in,

 Hike Report Five Streams SF - Pucker pond loop

A warmer Sunday morning and the wind has settled.
5 hikers met on CR-5 at Pucker St.
Melissa T, Gwen W, John N, Guy F, Steve E. 
We headed East and entered the woods close to the Five Streams SF boundary.
Our intent was to bushwhack around the East side of Pucker Pond.  
It looks like the winds this past summer tipped over a lot of trees.
When we could no longer make any reasonable progress we cut out to the road and went back into the woods on the North side of Pucker Pond.

Not without obstacles, a new challenge was crossing over a beaver dam.
Walking was easy on the east side of Pucker pond dam and after crossing we headed Southeast.
Just into the woods again we came to a bivouac area that was set up for tarps (photos) 
The logging since I was there last further hampered our stroll in the woods, the briars grew where the sun now shines.
The powerline swath creates a really good view of the expanse of these woods.

Next we crossed Burkholder Rd and dropped down into a hollow.
There we saw such impressive stone walls that begs questioning.
Who lived there? 
How many generations contributed to the tallest stone walls I have ever seen. 
Was the purpose to keep wildlife out or to keep livestock in?

We will go back to try and find a foundation and possibly pioneer treasure.

The hike was 4.1 miles.



You'll grow roots if you don't keep moving!

Hike Report M27 Shear Rd > Butts Rd Arctic China SF Beals Pond SF

This morning Lisa R, Cindy S with Lucy🐾, Gwen W, Guy F & Steve E Truckpool up the seasonal Shear Road and Parked by the trailhead.
We entered the Arctic China SF and it felt like the arctic with the cold and wind.  

The trail was snow covered but not enough for snowshoes. 
The recent thaw / rain / freeze and snow made parts of the trail deceptive because of the needle ice sometimes 6" that made for a surprise footing when it collapsed.

It was nice having Cindy and Lucy along since she lives in the area and knows these places like the back of her hand. 
There was a fisher path that crossed Beals Pond Rd and it was heavily traveled on both sides of the road.

About a mile into the Beals Pond SF  we took the DEC road to the 14 acre Beals Pond and found a hidden treasure. 
There Is a picnic area, primitive campsite and a viewing platform. 

Through the woods up and down until we came to an open field where the snow piled up and created beautiful drifts.
The wind was biting. 
We walked along the hedgerow of the field rather than the road that was drifted in with a foot of snow.
At the top there was a bench and it was time for a break, snack and water and a group photo.
Back into the woods where the wind was blocked and the trail continued.  
There are many stone piles in this area, some are in a fence line and others seemed to be random.

We spotted an engine on the bank of the creek then came to a nice bridge over a gully and stream.

The Getter lean-to was a great place to have another snack and more hydration.

The hike down the hill to Getter Rd there was a stone wall where the stones are laid at an angle.

The hike was 8.75 miles with an elevation gain of 850'



A walk in nature's playground,


 Hike Report M23 Bullthistle Bridge > Sandberg Lean-To > Pharsalia Blue Loop 1/05/25

5 hikers and one canine arrived at the FLt crossing in NY-23 this morning.
Cindy, Lucy 🐾, Christine, Gwen, John & Steve.

The trees kept with wind speed down in the woods but in the open our faces got wind whipped. (Rudolfs we were).

We discovered a few blow downs that will require the chainsaw. 

Cindy and John were in the lead and were cleaning the trail the whole way. 

The snow on the pines made the woods look enchanting. 

There was a break at the Sandberg lean-to and we hydrated and refueled with Christines muffins, Cindy's pecans and Gwen brought some oatmeal cherry cookies. 

There were several water crossings and we all made it without incident.

What would a hike be without some silliness... check out the photos.

The hike was 9.9 miles 


Long hike, short report,

Hike Report M26 Butts Rd > Bainbridge 010325

This morning 8 hikers and one dog  headed up Butts Rd off of NY8
The photo going up the road reinforces the road name.
There was Cindy and Lucy 🐾, Joanne, Lisa, Gwen, Brenda, Guy, John & Steve.

Much of the hike was a road walk but an uphill one at that. From Butts Road > Houck Dr > Highland Acres Rd > Neff Hill Rd to a powerline. 
We went into the woods after Neff Hill which was like a logging road then followed a path along a stream to the powerline.  

The power line had some great views of the Sydney Airport and the Susquehanna River.

After we came down from the powerline and headed West toward Bainbridge we saw an eagle. 
From the bridge over the Susquehanna Cindy pointed out an eagles nest.  

We ended up at the municipal lot in Bainbridge and got a ride to our car spot on Butts Rd.

We are fortunate to have such great hiking neighbors (Cindy & Joanne) near Bainbridge who are always willing to go along.



Peace & quiet are free!

 Hike Report DEC First Day Hike at Bowman Lake SP

Our December thaw/rain and today's forecast did not help attendance today.
The long hike was well attended by 22 hikers and 2 canines.
There were hikers from Syracuse and Schenectady and Kirkwood besides more local towns. 
The hike took us over the Bowman Lake dam and around the old Kopac Foundation.
Then over the hill to the Kopac Trail and the Passport rubbing station.
The new hikers were introduced to the process of gaining a patch for hiking the Finger Lakes Trail to the Passport stations.
The Kopac (blue) trail, North, was wet but walkable. Turning West toward Whaley Pond the (yellow) trail turned very wet and swimmable.
Every hiker was persistent in getting around the deep runoffs. 
At one point a small waterfall and rushing water made us realize that drier conditions were necessary to get through. 
We were close to Whaley Pond but decided it best to turn back and complete the rest of the hike.

Back we went on the Yellow and Blue Connector to the main FLT (white) trail and turned south toward Bowman Lake.
Dropping downhill to the Bowman Creek Bridge we paused to get a couple of photos of the group.

The predicted rain was but a drizzle and by the time we returned to the Nature Center it was snowing.

The planned hike could not be completed today as planned but I'm sure everyone was happy with the start of the New Year.

We warmed in the building and had coffee, cocoa, muffins and donuts and some were already dreaming of the next hike. 

We hiked 3.9 miles: 


Walking in the woods is our freedom and happiness,