The FLT Bullthistle Hikers were founded in 2004 by Ed Sidote (pictured above), to provide information about hiking opportunities
in the Chenango County area and beyond. His vision was to showcase the beauty of  nature in our area, introduce young people to hiking,  get ALL people up and moving and excited about the great outdoors in our county. 
We are an affiliate club of the Finger Lakes Trail Conference. Currently we maintain 35 miles of trail for the conference.
 We conduct weekly activities to enhance the quality,
safety and enjoyment of the hiking experience. Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each
month in the conference room of the Chenango Arts Council Center at 27 W. Main Street in Norwich at 7:00 P.M. and are open to the public!

Current Officers:
President:  Peg Schmidt Fuller

 VP: Julie Thompson

Secretary: Mike Cunningham

Treasurer: Karen Ellsworth

Regional Trail Coordinator: Steve Ellsworth


 Programs Chair:  Beth Stewart

Board of Directors:
Steve Ellsworth

David L Sadler

Gwen Webbe

Beth Stewart

Pete Stapleton

Colleen Townsend-Stapleton

postal mail:  P.O. Box 225, Norwich, NY 13815

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